Saturday, May 24, 2014

“But Jesus Himself would often slip away to the wilderness and pray” Luke 5:16
               I have been pondering this verse the last few days.  The words “often” and “slip away” stood out to me.  Though, for me, slipping away often looks more like setting the alarm and actually getting up early to “slip away” and “often” would look a lot like discipline, as in daily.  I am always encouraged when the Spirit points things out in the life of Jesus and He reminds me that I can do that too.  Slipping away to the wilderness may not be very practical for me as I am teaching my children to read or while I am preparing dinner, but I can “slip away” in my mind as in being intentional to pray while I am doing the regular mommy things. 
               In our home one of the things that happen often is conversation.  Our children love to talk and share things that are on their mind.  I think one of the ways that I am able to slip away and pray is that after one of them has finished their thought to be intentional to pray specifically for that child.  Prayer was such a part of Jesus life and it must be a major part of my life as well.
I know that many of you pray for us as we prepare to leave for Argentina.  Thank you for your faithfulness and dedication in lifting our family up to the Father.  Please continue to pray for us as we share the ministry with others. 
               We just finished another mission’s conference and were once again encouraged to hear how the Lord is moving in people’s lives all around the world and impressed with the urgent need to make disciples of all nations.  Please pray for more missionaries to be equipped to share the love of Jesus with a lost and dying world.

               Our support level is continuing to rise with the announcement this week that Knox Ridge Baptist and another individual will begin partnering with us in making disciples in Argentina. This brings us up to 67%. Please continue to pray that God would work in the hearts of people to support His ministry through us both as a church and individually and that by God’s grace, we will be in Argentina by September!

Kids Corner
Mom, Grandma Geyer Jaimie and I had the opportunity to go to a young ladies “Hearts for Purity” conference put together by Micaela Wood and Bucks Harbor Baptist Church. The conference was divided up into four sessions. The first session was on the life of Ruth. The second session was called “The Better Half” and dealt with the right type of husband. Session three, and our favorite, was called “The Bold and Unashamed.” It was about how we should share the Gospel with the world. Jaimie and I were impressed to work harder at sharing the good news. The fourth and final session encouraged girls and women to find someone trustworthy with whom you can share your troubles. We were greatly encouraged by this conference.
By: Hannah Morrell

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Mission Statement

To love, worship, and glorify God in spirit and truth in everything that we do and to train godly disciples who will be able to teach others also unto the uttermost part of the earth.