Tuesday, January 1, 2013

            “Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness.” Psalm 150:2 The end of the year marks a time to reflect upon what God has done in the past year and to look to the next year with anticipation of what God will do in us and through us for His glory. We praise the Lord for all He has done this past year in answering our prayers and providing for us as we serve Him.
            We prayed for a nanny to serve with us as we were in language school and God answered our prayer by sending a fine young lady from our home church to homeschool our kids and assist with the daily activities of the home as we were attending classes or occupied with studying throughout the day. We praise God for providing Margaree Wright who acted not only as a nanny, but also as a mentor. We are pleased with the lasting impression that she has left on our family and specifically our own young ladies. 
            We asked you to pray for us as we juggled our schedule between studying, kids, and our personal relationship. Although this was a stretching time for us and we grew through it, we praise God for answering our prayers by giving us wisdom and helping the kids adjust to our new responsibilities and schedule.
            We asked you to pray for safety as we travelled and God protected us and really made the traveling a blessing for us. We asked you to pray for the salvation of young lady and God answered that prayer as well as the rededication of the young lady that was with her. We asked you to pray for our language development and God is continuing to answer that prayer. We Praise God for His goodness to us in answering these and many more prayers in 2012.

           Please continue to keep us in prayer as we continue our pre-field ministry in Washington. Please pray that God would lead churches and individuals to support His ministry through us.

Kids Corner
Language school was a lot of fun for us. It was really a blessing to live with the playground right outside our back door. In addition to the friends that we made last spring, we met many more this fall including a family with eight children. We now have friends that are or will be serving with their parents in Bolivia, Uruguay, Mexico, Guatemala, India, Spain, Chile, Columbia and other Latin American countries. What a blessing it is to experience the global family of God!
We travelled twelve thousand miles this past year from Maine to Texas to Washington to Texas and then back to Washington and visited the Alamo, Carlsbad Caverns, Mesa Verde, The Grand Canyon, and many mountains and valleys along the way, but the most memorable times were reconnecting with old friends and making new friends. We thank God for the opportunities that He has given us.

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Mission Statement

To love, worship, and glorify God in spirit and truth in everything that we do and to train godly disciples who will be able to teach others also unto the uttermost part of the earth.