Winter is upon us! It
is mid-January and we have experienced a colder than normal December, warmer
than normal January, snow storms and a couple of ice storms. In the midst of
the world around us that is full of complaints about the weather, we are
thankful! We are thankful for a creative God that provided us with a world that
glorifies Him with the variety of climates that we can experience. We are thankful for the opportunity that He
has given us to enjoy what is likely the last winter in Maine for quite some
time. We are also thankful because the winter snow reminds us of who we are in
Christ Jesus. We were once lost apart from God in our sin, but Jesus blood has
washed us white as snow and given us a new life. “Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow;” Isa.
As many of you may know, it was our goal to be in
Argentina by the end of this month. Although we have not reached this goal, we
are encouraged by churches and individuals that have come alongside to partner
with us both prayerfully and financially. Our new goal for departure is this
summer (which will be winter there). Please
continue to pray that God would move in the hearts of churches and individuals
to partner with us in reaching the lost in Argentina. While we wait for the
Lord’s provision, our hearts and prayers are turned toward our co-laborers who
are overburdened with the ministry in Chivilcoy. As the ministries grow, they
have an increasing inability to keep up with all the work. Please pray that the Lord would continue to sustain the Gibbons as
they wait for our arrival.

This is an especially busy time in Argentina because
of the summer season. As you are receiving this, GMSA missionaries are
gathering in Uruguay for the annual mission conference. Please pray that the Lord would give them a time of refreshing and a
renewed vision for making disciples in South America. Although the camp in
Argentina is not yet functioning as a camp, we will be holding our teen camp at
another facility from Feb. 3-7. Please
pray that God would draw the teens to Himself and mold them more in His image
so that they would see the vision to reach their friends with the message of Christ.
The church in Chivilcoy will also be having the VBS program from
Feb. 17-21. Please pray that many
children will come to Christ and as a result that their parents would come to
Christ as well.
Kids Corner
This winter Dad made an ice rink to skate on, but
we didn’t have any ice skates to go with it. Fortunately, we were able to
borrow some from friends and family. Then there came a huge snow storm that
took a long time to shovel the rink off. But when it was finally shoveled off,
we were able to make an igloo out of the pile of snow. We had a lot of fun
inside of it, but then came the January thaw. The igloo melted, but not
completely, so we are able to still use it as a different snow fort.
By: Hannah Morrell