“Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget
not all his benefits:” Psalm 103:2 God
continues to be gracious to us in providing for our daily needs as we are
serving Him and raising support during our pre-field ministry. We are thankful
for churches opening up their doors for us to share the ministry that God has
given to us. As a result, there have been many that have joined our prayer team
and recently a church and some individuals have indicated that they wanted to
start supporting God’s ministry financially. Praise God for His provision! Please pray that God would continue to open
the hearts of individuals and churches to support His ministry through us so we
can leave for Argentina by this January.
Kids Corner
We had an awesome week at Camp Good News. There were about forty campers there with three girl’s cabins and six boy’s cabins. Dad was the missionary speaker for the week and Mom helped out with the Kickapoos (babies and younger campers). Sheldon was able to be a day camper while Jaimie and I were able to stay in the cabins.
We each were able to choose a skill for the week, so I chose photography, Jaimie chose outdoor living skills and Sheldon did the archery. Our girls cabin won the cabin competition for the girls, so our prize was to go to Tubby’s Ice Cream at the end of the week. Jaimie received a leadership award and I received the honor camper award, but one of the most exciting things was that Jaimie led one of the girls in her cabin to the Lord and at least four others accepted Christ.
The mission project for the week was raising money to buy chairs for the camp in Argentina. By the end of the week, we had enough to buy 26 chairs. PTL!
By: Hannah Morrell