Standing on an old lava flow in Chile |
At the end of January we had the opportunity to go to Lican Ray, Chile for
our annual missionary conference. It was a pleasure for us to meet many of our
fellow missionaries in Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay as well as fellow ministers
of the gospel in the U.S. and Ireland. We were challenged each day with
messages from Pastor Bob Philbrick. We encouraged one another as we shared in
common struggles and victories. The kids really enjoyed the opportunity to meet
all of the other missionary kids in GMSA. It was a joy and welcomed reprieve
from Spanish as they (and we) were able to communicate with everyone in English.
We praise the Lord for the strength that He gives us as “iron sharpeneth iron.”
Actually getting to the conference was a challenge in and of itself. It was
a two day drive that turned into four! Our first hurdle was to cross the border
into Chile. We were disappointed to not be allowed to cross because of a
complicated paperwork issue with our van. Basically, we do not have our
Argentine residency paperwork started yet because we have been waiting for
paperwork from the U.S. Because of this, we had to put our van in The Gibbon’s
name so we could actually purchase it. We have other paperwork that gives us
permission to use it so that it is not normally a problem and we have been able
to cross into Uruguay, but the road to Chile was closed for us. Upon receiving
this bitter news, we got back in our van to begin plan ”B” only to discover that
our van wouldn’t start! Because it is a standard, we decided to jump start it
using the clutch. We just had one opportunity as we were already close to the
gate to Chile. I am proud of Donelle for successfully navigating her first jump
start even with the pressure of only fifteen feet left before hitting the
Our first volcano sighting! |
We drove to the nearest city which was about an hour and a half away. Upon
finding a mechanic, we discovered that not only was the alternator not working,
but the battery had to be replaced also. If we were in the U.S. we would
have likely been back on the road in a few hours, but there is difficulty
getting parts here so had to spend two nights in a hotel and were finally able
to get moving again. The Gibbons met us at the border crossing and we were able
to cross with them there with us. On the way back from Chile, I noticed a
problem with the clutch on the van. After first noticing the problem, there were
no other symptoms until we got home. The day after we arrived, the clutch went
out completely and this time we would wait a full week before being able to get
the parts and get it fixed. We thank the Lord for His provision for these extra
expenses and for working out His timing for this to take place. We know that He
is in control, but it is through times like this that we see Him working
Praise the Lord for His continued provision especially through the
Praise the Lord for a softening in the hearts of one of the couples that we
asked prayer for previously. He has started coming back to church again
occasionally. Please pray for continued growth and full restoration.
Praise the Lord for growth in language acquisition especially in the
Praise the Lord for two new churches supporting the ministry.
Praise the Lord for three potential mission teams this year.
Handing out VBS invitations with Aunt Debbie |
Prayer requests:
Wisdom to make wise choices.
That God would keep us faithful to Him.
Continued language and cultural development.
That God would strengthen us through the challenges that we are
VBS that is running Feb. 17-21. Pray for the hearts of the young people to
be turned toward the Lord and that parents would respond to God’s call as
Continue to pray for the two couples that are struggling with their
relationships and faithfulness to the Lord.
Thank you again for standing or kneeling with us as we serve the Lord